We Are One

About "We Are One"

The We Are One (WR1) Foundation supports and strengthens the fetish community. The Foundation organizes activities during Darklands to raise money for new titleholders and community charities. Throughout the year it supports the community in many other ways and provides information about the fetish community to a wider audience.

We Are One at Darklands

We Are One collects donations through various fundraisers. The proceedings are then split  equally between the new title holders chosen at the festival and a charity chosen by Darklands. The selected charity changes every year.


Titleholders do a lot of traveling which comes at a cost. Being a titleholder is an expensive occupation, in both time and money. At Darklands we try to lighten the burden by offering each of the freshly elected representatives of our community a starting budget to cover the costs of voyage and hotels.

The current titles are: Mr. Leather Belgium, Mr. Fetish World, Mr. Superhero Europe, European Bootblack, European Handler and European Puppy.


Beneficiary 2025
In 2025, our charity of choice is the ‘Leather Archives & Museum’ in Chicago –

The LA&M is one of the most significant accomplishments of the late 20th century movement for the rights, dignity, improved status, and self-acceptance of the leather and kink populations.

The museum recently launched a campaign to raise $2 million for much-needed renovations including making the entire collection wheelchair accessible.

Darklands has donated a first amount of $ 5000 to be followed by a donation of the money raised by WR1 this year.

 click here for more info

Beneficiary 2024
Sensoa Positief – click for more info

Beneficiary 2023
Checkpoint Gran Canaria – click here for more info

Fetish Community Awareness

WR1 often hosts an info booth at events. The Belgian fetish clubs are invited to join and offer information about the scene, clubs and events to those who want to know more about our wonderful community.

We Are One at Antwerp Pride Village 2021 (MSC Belgium, Belgian Rubbermen, The Boots, Darklands, We Are Fetish)

Lending service

WR1 offers a free lending service of tents to Belgian fetish clubs to support their organization.

We Are One - various campaigns

WR1 supports the growth and durability of our community with various campaigns such as the fundraising for Folsom Europe to support them through the financial challenges following the epidemic.